許舒(James Hayes)
許舒(James Hayes),致力研究香港地區及其居民的學者。在他三十二年香港政府的公職生涯中,幾乎一半時間是在新界服務,並在1985-1987年擔任新界政務署長,統領管理新界事務。著作包括:
The Hong Kong Region: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside (1977, reprinted by Hong Kong University Press, 2012)
The Rural Communities of Hong Kong, Studies and Themes (Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1983)
Tsuen Wan: Growth of a New Town and its People (Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 1993) (中譯本:《蒼海桑田話荃灣》)
Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87 (Hong Kong University Press, 1996)
South China Village Culture (Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2001)
許舒(James Hayes)
許舒(James Hayes)
許舒(James Hayes),致力研究香港地區及其居民的學者。在他三十二年香港政府的公職生涯中,幾乎一半時間是在新界服務,並在1985-1987年擔任新界政務署長,統領管理新界事務。著作包括:
The Hong Kong Region: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside (1977, reprinted by Hong Kong University Press, 2012)
The Rural Communities of Hong Kong, Studies and Themes (Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1983)
Tsuen Wan: Growth of a New Town and its People (Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 1993) (中譯本:《蒼海桑田話荃灣》)
Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87 (Hong Kong University Press, 1996)
South China Village Culture (Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2001)
許舒(James Hayes)